fractional digital marketer program

Our consulting program where we do the work for you! We'll manage your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, SEO, blog, implement inbound marketing, and much more...

Fractional Digital Marketer Program

Hire Our Digital Marketing Team to do all the work for you to get more inquiries!

According to NAIS's 2021 State of Independent School Marketing Survey, "...over half of respondents believe their head of school views digital marketing as "very important" and an additional 35% believe he or she views it as "important."

Are your digital marketing efforts as effective as they can be when you don't have enough time, are tired of keeping up with the seemingly constant changes to platform algorithms, and aren't sure how to measure your digital marketing efforts?

Whether you need help to get started or want to boost your digital marketing efforts, we provide the support, expertise, and experience you need with our Fractional Digital Marketer program.

Why should you consider the Fractional Digital Marketer program?

I've created the Fractional Digital Marketer program because I've sat in your seat. I've shared your struggles:

  • I haven't had enough time to get it all done.

  • I've been a victim of my school adding things to my plate without taking something away and expecting me to get it all done.

  • I've wondered if our marketing efforts are what we should be doing.

  • I've questioned the return on investment of our marketing dollars and haven't been sure how to figure that out.

  • I've been tasked with creating reports and am unsure what to include and where to start.

  • Finally, I've been told to increase inquiries for my school while also having to do everything else on my plate.

These are the reasons I created the Fractional Digital Marketer program.

The Fractional Digital Marketer program is designed to serve as an extension of your team and we take care of implementing, maintaining, and reporting on all of the current digital marketing best practices for your school with the single goal of increasing inquiries at your school.

Fractional Digital Marketer Program

What's Included In the Program...


Inbound Marketing Implementation

We will conduct an audit of your current digital marketing efforts and help implement inbound marketing including the development of a persona, identifying keywords, creation of lead nurturing emails, landing pages, and an inquiry magnet.


SEO Management

This includes: Keyword research & optimization, Website landing page assignment, Content marketing research, Competitor analysis, GMB listing optimization, Citation build & alignment, Meta-data changes, Heading changes, Optimize content, Ongoing technical audit, PR link building strategy, Link building.


Google Ads Management

We set up your account and actively manage it to drive traffic and conversions on your digital assets. This service also includes ad and landing page creation.

NOTE: This program does not include Google Ad spend, which would be an additional cost. The suggested additional budget would be at least $750 to $1,500 per month.


Facebook Ad Management

We set up your account and actively manage it to drive traffic and conversions on your digital assets. This service also includes ad and landing page creation.


Blog Management w/Content Creation

We will create a blog and design it to compliment the design of the main school website. We will also create and publish three blog posts per month.


Monthly Reporting

We will prepare monthly reports to highlight our progress.


Monthly Coaching Calls

We will conduct monthly coaching calls to discuss our reporting and to learn about what is happening at your school.


Includes InquiryCRM Software Subscription


Is Social Media Management Included in the program?

No. Social media management is not included because we believe that it is very important to have people at the school managing social media on a daily basis. Instead, we will offer suggestions on the best way to use social media in the context of inbound marketing. Additionally, the program includes our InquiryCRM software which includes social media scheduling and post creation with the help of AI.

Is there a contract?

Yes. In order to implement these strategies and techniques and to ensure their effectiveness, the Fractional Digital Marketer program has a 12 month contract. We can discuss a 6 month contract though. Please schedule a call to discuss your individual situation.